Monday, February 13, 2012


The starting point in Astrology is that every being and object is submitted to the subtle influences which comes from the planets and stars in the universe.
This conception is in fact a reflection of the Tantric principle which identifies the Micro cosmos of the human being with the Macro cosmos. That is, everything that is in the infinite universe of creation may also be found in a perfect ontological correspondence at the human level as well.

Owing to this identity, Tantra considers the totality of the human body, a universe in miniature, while the universe of creation is the divine body of God, named in the Tantric tradition Shiva the Creator of all things.
The planets are heavenly bodies situated at huge distances from Earth. These planets behave as magnets, the sun is, so to speak "the heart" of our planetary system, around which all other planets revolve. Consequently, our solar system has its own direction and speed, distributing its magnetic influences in the cosmic ether.

So too the Earth, as well as our bodies, have the same magnetic behavior, emanating their characteristic magnetic influences.

The harmony between the two kinds of magnetic waves (those coming from the Sun, planets from our planetary system or even more remote stars - as the Polar Star and those emanated by our own bodies) is reflected in the chances and successes of a certain human being in different fields of activity.

On the other hand, if the interaction between the two magnetic influences is lacking harmony, the human being will be confronted with trouble, suffering, failure and maybe even death.
In the tantric system, - Astrology - play an important part as they provide the seeker with the instruments for a better understanding of the phenomena that influence him/her, as well as the inner processes deriving from them.

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