Saturday, November 26, 2011

Seven Methods( Achars) In Tantra:

According to Kularnava Tantra there are seven achars in Tantra. These achars actually identifies different stages of Sadhaka and by completing each stages the Sadhaka should ascend towards ultimate salvation. Though the detailed knowledge can only be achieved under a revered Saad Guru, still we are trying to give a short brief.

1. Vedachar – In short in this particular discipline the sadhaka use to worship by engaging himself in strict vedic, smarta and puranic rituals. This is the beginning to start a regulated life.

2. Baishnavachar -- In short in this particular discipline the sadhaka starts the Baishnav Sadhana mainly by following vedic principles. He should strictly abide all rules and regulations as per sashtras and should worship wholeheartedly Lord Bishnu and should surrender all karma to Bishnu. At this stage he is not allowed to perform Japa at night.

3. Shaivachar -- In short in this particular discipline the sadhaka starts worshiping Lord Shiva by abiding Vedic discipline and should surrender his everything at the feet of the Lord Shiva. Simultaneously he should practice the Ashtang Yoga discipline which is important and supportive for the higher achars.

4. Dakshinachar – As per Kularnava “ Dakshinamurti Rishi practiced this Achar” hence it is termed as Dakshinachar. In this particular discipline also the sadhaka has to strictly abide by vedic rules and can perform Japa at night by taking “Vijaya” (Siddhi). In all the previuous Achars the Sadhaka has practiced about purification of physical body and internal Soul and at the same time his “Nistha” ie. Self Commitment was uplifted from finer to superior form but now to add with it he starts exploring the Kingdom of knowledge. Regular “Shastra Adhyan”, ie. Study of Shastras becomes an important part of his Sadhana.

5. Vamachar – It is a very sacred discipline which can only be mastered under the guidance of a revered Guru, as because this “Vidya” is “GURUMUKHI”. At Daytime worshipping Devi, abiding Brahmacharya discipline and night worshipping Devi in a reverse Achar ie. with “Pancha Mokar” is the significance of this sacred Achaar.

6. Sidhantachar – After mastering both paths of Sadhana, ie. Dakshinachar & Vamachar, ie the Reverse achaar, the sadhaka attains this stage. He has practiced, felt, observed both Dakshin & Vaam and finally arrived at the Self reconciliation point. He has mastered the art of true “Bhogascha Mokshacha”. He has enjoyed both “worldly pleasures” and “spiritual pleasures” upto the peak. From here his Sadhana towrds Divya path or path of enlightment begins.

7. Divyachar or Kaulachar –
“Anto Shakta Bohii Saibaa Sabhayang Baishnabaa Motaa
NanaBeshadharaa Kaula Bicharanti Mohitole.”
Shyama Rahasya

In the inner heart he is Shakta (worshipper of Shakti), outwardly he resembles as Shaiva (worshipper of Shiva), Society recognises as Param Baishnav, and like this in various forms and outlook a Kaula (Sadhaka) roams around the world freely.
This is the stage of a true Avdhoot or a Yogi. He is free from all goods and all odds, friends and enemies, sorrows and happiness, nothing in the earth can bother him nor he will depend on anything.

Kaulachar is not only a mere stage but it is a superior stage wherein one cannot enter just only by doing some sadhanas. It requires the punya samskaars from previous births, Grace of Kaul Guru and permission from the Almighty. Sri Bamakhyapa , Sadhak Ramprasad, Swami Nigomananda Saraswati, Sri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Krishnanda Agombagish etc. are the true Kaula’s .

The discipline of Tantra actually teaches us the art of practicing both worldly pleasures and spirituality at the same time. It is only in this Tantric practices (Shakti Sadhanas) it is possible. No other disciplines can boldly utter “Bhogascha Mokshacha” , the two opposite characters, can be truly controlled simultaneously by the Original KAULA.

Thus it is rightly laid down in Kularnav Tantra :

“ Kaulachara Muram Kathita Yoginamapyagamya”

Kaul Marg is very difficult. To attain perfection in it is very difficult.

Characteristics of a True Disciple or Shisya :
 According to the Tantras like Mahanirvaan, Kularnava etc. a disciple should belong to a noble family, he should be educated academically and spiritually. He should be generous and should possess good moral character. He should have complete faith and devotion towards the master and Shastra. Regulated life according to the Vedic and Tantric discipline is very essential for a disciple to achieve the spiritual achievement.

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