Friday, September 24, 2010





A good health is experienced only if mind and soul are tuned properly. For harmonious thoughts our mind should be calm, peaceful and strong. Similarly for all effective physical activities, our body should be in good condition. The following Surya Namaskar asanas train the aspirant to make his body and mind aligned properly for effective life as a whole.

So both body and mind are interrelated and if any one of this gets affected it is natural that the other part would also be affected.

To maintain health in,

Physical level: Proper Exercise, Proper Breathing, Proper Diet, Proper Relaxation.

Mental level: Positive Thinking, Pranayama, Meditation.

Soul level: Meditation.

Surya Namaskara helps to develop harmonious and synchronized improvement in all these states.

Surya Namaskara is a dynamic practice and a part from the Asanas (static postures)

It is a combination of Asana, Pranayama and also of some physical exercise.. This is a well balanced set of movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body and keep the body and mind healthy. There are 12 mantras which are different names of Sun God. We should chant a mantra before each Surya Namaskar.

The Mantras (Bija Mantras), which are chanted before practicing are also very useful.

In all this Surya Namaskar is an appreciated exercise among people of all ages from kids to old age people.

Experiencing the All-round Benefits of the Sun Salutation

Surya namaskara is a series of twelve physical postures. These alternating backward and forward bending postures flex and stretch the spinal column through their maximum range giving a profound stretch to the whole body. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is the best way to burn the calories and reduce weight. It is often recommended for obesity.

Often, after a hard days work, we would just flop down on the couch * apparently * relaxing our bodies - but it is NOT so. The stagnant energies remain locked up and the organs remain de-oxygenated to a large extent.

Surya Namaskar has a deep effect in detoxifying the organs through copius oxygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect. Some of the disorders curable by to Surya Namaskara are: Acne, Obesity, Joint & Rheumatic, Asthma and other Lung condition, Digestive upsets, Blood pressure, Common cold, Depression, Psychosis, Skin condition, Immunity, Stress and Fatigue, Headache, concentration, Memory, ageing, Unite, team spirit, Balancing etc.

To list some of the benefits of Suryanamaskar:

Tones up the digestive system by the alternate stretching and compression of abdominal organs. It activates digestion and gets rid of constipation and dyspepsia.

Strengthens abdominal muscles.

Thoroughly ventilates the lungs, and oxygenates the blood.

Acts as detoxifying agent, by getting rid of enormous quantity of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.

Tones up the nervous system and improves memory.

Promotes sleep and calms anxiety.

Normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands - especially the thyroid gland.

Refreshes the skin. Prevents Skin disorders.

Improves muscle flexibility.

In women, stimulates the breasts to help firmness normally. Restores any lost elasticity, through stimulation of glands and the strengthening of pectoral muscles.

Suppresses menstrual irregularity and assists in easy childbirth.

Prevents loss of hair and graying.

Helps reduce fat.

Reduces abnormal prominence of the Adam's apple.

Eliminates unpleasant smells from the body.

Lends grace and ease of movements to the body.

Revives and maintains the spirit of youthfulness.

Broadens chest and beautifies arms.

Makes the spine and waist flexible.

Produces health, strength, efficiency and longevity.

Effective use of Surya Namaskar is experienced on three levels ? body, mind and intellect. The practice of Surya Namaskar is a sort of training to your body mind and soul (Pradnya). It works with equal force on these three aspects. It gives us physical and mental health with sharp intellect.

Only 35 to 40% of your muscles are used in daily activities. Rest of the muscles remain inactive. Surya Namaskar is a physical exercise where almost 95% to 97% of your muscles are switched on to active mode. They remain active, hours ahead during the day, till you recharge them the next morning.

You are at dis-ease when there is imbalance of Waat, Kapha and Pitta in the body. Daily practice in Surya Namaskar maintains steady state of these three, keeping the body in perfect health.

While performing Surya Namaskar the breathing exercise (Pranayam) gives more oxygen to your lungs. The rhythm of breathing becomes heavy with vitality. Each breath becomes deep and clear. It carries more oxygen to the parts of your body.

The vital points (The Chakras) in the body get charged. The Surya-Tej in these Chakras gets enlightened with the thought and sight of the Sun God.
While performing Surya Namaskar think nothing, but about the Sun God. Concentrate yourself on the meaning of the Surya Mantra, the steps in the Surya Namaskar, their sequence, the proper activities of the different parts of the body, the parts of the body where you feel stress, stretch and strain etc. This will shut your mind off from thinking. Thoughtless state of mind contains no mental stress and strain at all. It is a real rest to your mind. Freedom from mental and emotional anxiety is the sound rest to your body too.

The word ?Moksha? means to be relieved from fear and tears. It is to get freedom from all types of woes and worries. This ?released state of mind? gives you absolute happiness. All the virtues ? the divine qualities which are nothing less than the GOD HIMSELF ? are the carriers that take you to the absolute happiness-the Moksha.

The starting shloka, the Sankalpa, the prayer, the concluding shloka, the Samarpan and the shloka of dedication are important in the process of ?know thyself?. If you can?t (or don?t want to) recite these shlokas give a thought to the meaning of each shloka while practicing Surya Namaskar.

Early morning is the best time for Surya Namaskar. Don?t eat any thing at least for five hours prior to Surya Namaskar.

Follow the body postures in each step very scrupulously. If it is not possible for you at the beginning you are free to make some minor changes, here and there, for the time being. But your final aim is to attain the perfect position.

Each movement of the Asana should be divided into parts and performed gracefully.
While performing the Asanas keep your belly and hip part loose. Get the feel of the stretch and strain at the particular part of the body. The rest of the body should be free of muscle tension.

Go slow. Slow speed is for SharirShuddhi ? for cleansing the body of all sorts of toxins, fats, unwanted secretions and for restoring health. Each movement of the Asana should be graceful. Use all your physical ability to experience the stretch and strain on your body while performing the Asana

There are twelve steps in Surya Namaskar. You can count five seconds for each step of the Surya Namaskar. It means that one Surya Namaskar goes for one minute (and a bit more). This is the normal speed to perform twelve Asana / one Surya Namaskar. This speed ensures SharirVruddhi ? stedy progress in overall health and happiness. At the beginning, of course, you have to go very slow.

The body posture is important. If you have any problem at any step, revise all the given information, about the particular step, in the light of your problem. Your doubt will be solved. Make use of phone / E-mail to get your doubts cleared.
You can gain perfection in the Surya Namaskar after a long and steady practice. Be patient. Maintain slow and steady progress everyday to reach to the right posture of the Asana. Be one with the art. The Sun God will take you to the path of progress.

It is said that twenty-four Surya Namaskar, if done properly, are equal to five hundred sit-ups / pull-ups. It may be a statement of exaggeration. But it is worth to experience the physical fitness that you attain after you start practising Surya Namaskar. At the beginning of the practice, one Surya Namaskar consumes 02.30 KCL. This exercise burns out a lot of calories and reduces body mass and body weight.

If your physical capacity is to perform twelve Surya Namaskar at a time, perform only five. Give importance to use all the physical abilities to perform each and every Asana of Surya Namaskar.

The seven Chakras (the vital points), in your boy govern every of your activity. They motivate you to act, give ability to perform the act and get the action done. Doctors also give prime importance, directly or indirectly, to these vital points while treating a patient. Overall heath and strength is restored through Surya Namaskar.

Persons suffering from slip-disk, arthritis, heart attack etc including pregnant women are suggested to take medical opinion before they start the practice of Surya Namaskar.

If your breathing goes fast while practicing Surya Namaskar, either take some rest or stop performing more Surya Namaskar for the day.
After the practice of Surya Namaskar is over you better lay down in Shawasan / Yoga Nidra for some time.

At the beginning, each Surya Namaskar consumes 02.30 KCL without giving you any fatigue. It reduces your body weight without making you perspire. It builds your muscles without any increase in the heart beats.
Use all your physical and mental abilities to perform Surya Namaskar.
Each Asana is divided into four stages. Practice the first stage of every Asana at least for a fortnight. Then take to the first and second stage of every Asana for the next fortnight then stages 1+2+3, then stages 1+2+3+4.
Take into consideration the steps by step method to use BijAkshar while performing Surya Namaskar.

After you acquire some skill in Surya Namaskar give ten / fifteen minutes to the practice of Pranayam. Some of the most useful and correlated Pranayam to Surya Namaskar are Bhastrika Pranayam, Kapal Bhati Pranayam and Bhaya Pranayam.
In order to learn the art of Pranayam you better contact somebody expert personally. Gathering information about Pranayam through reading and listening is insufficient for practical work.

How to do?

As mentioned Surya Namaskar is a flowing series of 12 yoga postures. These are described below.

Synchronizing the breath with the movements of the body is very important. The basic breathing principle is to inhale during backward bending postures and exhale during forward bending postures. When the exercises are done a little quickly, the gain is more physical while if they are done slowly with breath awareness the gain is more mental and spiritual
Always Surya Namaskara is practised before the Asana practices, because it helps to develop more perfection in Asanas.
It is apart from the Caste, Religion and Nationality.

We are offering salutations to Sun God.
Sun rays remove the Darkness in this world.

It clears the `Darkness of Ignorance to the Real Knowledge or Enlightenment.’

Predominantly activates the outer muscles and joints compared to Asanas.
It is synchronized with Breathing and Mantra.
Keeping Awareness in Breathing is called Prana Dharana.


Beeja is à Seed;

Mantra à ‘Mananath Thrayathe iti Mantra’

Mantras produce the `Verbal sound’ that has special vibrations.

These vibrations activates mostly in Pranic body & Exocrine and Endocrine glands in physical body.


(Hraam) « Bija mantra activates in Brain, Heart and Respiratory system.

(Hreem) « Throat and Digestion.

(Hroom) « Liver, Spleen, Uterus, Ovaries, Stomach, Intestines.

(Hraim) « Kidney.

(Hroum) « Large Intestine, Rectum, Anal canal.

(Hraha) « Chest, Neck, Throat.
It has 12 steps. In each step, Vertebral Column attains a different position and giving different effects.

1) Sankalp
You make a resolution[Sankalp] in the beginning, that you are doing this act of performing ‘sūrya namaskār’ by praying to the Sun, requesting him to give you good health and strength to work hard.

2) dhyāna mantra
Then dhyāna mantra is recited / chanted.
dhyeyḥ sadā savitṛ manḍala madhyavartī
nārāyaṇaḥ sarasijāsana saṁniviṣṭaḥ
keyūravān makara kunḍalavān kirīṭī
hārī hiraṇmaya vapur dhṛta śankha chakraḥ
“Always worship ‘The Sun’ (our energy source) sitting at the centre of his galaxy on Lotus, wearing Keyoor, Makarkundal crown and holding conch, chakra and having glittering golden body.”

3) sūrya namaskār mantra

After dhyāna mantra, Surya Namaskars are performed by chanting mantras.

Mantras are arranged in a specific way. Each step has individual Bija Mantra.
These Mantras have different Names and Qualities of Sun God.


Aum Hram Mitraya Namaha

Aum Hreem Ravaye namaha

Aum Hroom Suryaya Namaha

Aum Hraim Banave Namaha

Aum Hroum Gaghaya Namaha

Aum Hraha Bhushne Namaha

Aum Hraam Hiranyagarbaya Namaha

Aum Hreem Marichaye Namaha

Aum Hroom Adhityaya Namaha

Aum Hraim Savithre Namaha

Aum Hroum Arkaya Namaha

Aum Hraha Bhaskaraya Namaha

4) Teertha Shloka

In the end,Teertha Shloka is chanted / recited.

"ādityasya namaskaraṁye kurvanti dine dine
janmāṁ tara sahasre ṣudridhryaṁ nopajāyate
akāla mṛtyuharaṇm sarva vyādhi vinaśanam
sūrya pādodak aṁtīrtham jaṭharedhārayā myaham

“Those who perform Soorya Namaskars daily, do not face poverty in life [this actually relates to Richness of Health, not financial matters], one does not face early death or suffer from diseases, Drink the water kept before The Sun".

Let’s pray to the Sun God.

It is early in the morning.

The sun is rising on the horizon.

You have taken bath and you feel fresh and strong.

Take the morning air deep into your lungs.
Facing east (or imagining that you are facing east), visualize the sun, the greatest celestial body visible to us. Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder width apart. Lean to the left a little to feel a slight pressure on the left part of your feet and come back to the center. Lean to the right a little to feel a slight pressure on the right part of your feet and come back to the center. Lean forward a few degrees, just enough to feel a slight pressure on the toes. Come to the center. Lean back just enough to feel a little pressure on the heels. Come back to the center.

Take a deep breath and feel the wave of relaxation going from top of your head to the sole of your feet. Surrender totally to the Sun. Please do not rush. Glide from one posture to next so softly as if dancing an elegant dance. Enjoy every moment. Begin.

Stand straight. Be at ease. Fold your hands in Namaskar Mudra.
Observe muscle tension anywhere on your body. There is no tension on your head and hair.
No tension on your face – forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, ears.
There is no tension on your neck.

Remove the tension, if there is any, on your neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms, fingers.

Keep the muscles - of the stomach, abdomen, back - loose.

Relax the muscles of the thighs, knees, ankles, feet, toes etc.

Be at a relaxed position. (We can remove the entire muscle tension in YogNidra only. Without any sort of muscle tension we can’t stand in upright position.)

आच􀃠 य ूाणानाय􀃠 य

􀇒वं णु􀇒व􀁛ं णु􀇒व􀁛ं णुः

अ􀆭पूव􀈾􀃍 या􀇐रत एवंगुण􀇒वशेषण 􀇒विशं टायां शुभपु􀃖 यितथौ

मम शर􀈣रे आरो􀃊 यता ूा􀃜 􀃗 यथ􀉍 ौीस􀇒वतासूय􀁛नारायण 􀇒ू􀃗 यथ􀉍 (सूय􀁛नमः कार सं􀃉 या/वेळ याचा उ􀃍 चार) सूय􀁛नमः कारन क􀇐रं ये्

Aachaman: Open the palm straight. Keep away the thumb and the ladyfinger. Close the remaining three fingers and

raise them a bit. A scoop is formed on the palm at the end of the fingers. Take a spoonful of
water in the scoop. Release the water, from the wrist end of the palm, in your mouth.
Significance: Surya Namaskar generates heat and energy. Breathing becomes deep and hard. Aachaman prevents dry throat and keeps the throat and food pipe clean smooth and wet.

Pranayam: Controlling breathing is called Pranayam. All your activities, physical-mental, are based on breathing. Inhaling is absorbing Prana Tatwa / life force in the body. Air is the carrier of Prana Tatwa / Cosmic Energy. At this stage take a deep breath and gradually release it out. Take a longer time to exhale. This time sense can be easily attained if you concentrate on the abdomen to breathe out completely.

Significance: This is just a start to control breathing and to tune it with the body movements to be performed ahead in the practice of Surya Namaskar.
Meaning: The name of Lord Vishnu is repeated thrice – Awahan, Stapana, Wandan (invitation, welcome, worship)
Significance: This body of flesh is the legacy of Lord Vishnu, the Supreme self, the ParamAtma. The meaning of the word ‘Vishnu’ is omnipresent - one who is continuously and simultaneously present as a whole, at all time, everywhere. Our body is made of five elements – the earth-fire-air-ether-water. The omnipresent entity was there before the creation of the five elements. Hence one who created the elements created our body. We are above the Elements we are the Supreme self, the ParamAtma. In Bhagwad Gita Lord Vishnu Bhagwan says “I am the (seed) source of birth and growth of all the beings. I am the birth place of all intellect and courage” (Chapter 7 shloka 10) In this way our body in flesh and blood is the heritage of Him. This ‘call for’ Lord Vishnu is just to remind us of this inheritance.

Meaning: The outstanding quality of Surya Namaskar is that it is in practice since time immemorial. On this auspicious day I perform Surya Namaskar in order to make my body healthy. I undergo this age old practice in the honour of Lord SuryaNarayana.

Significance: This is Sankalpa, the resolution or decision that you are going to do certain thing. This is done to make your mind alert and to urge it to give all possible strength to all the parts of the body, involved in the action, to perform the activity.

The Sankalpa makes your actions result oriented. It gives desired direction to your tongue, mind and body. If you keep on walking, for example, without any goal you will reach nowhere. Hence Sankalpa is a must before every action.

My parents and grand parents and ancestors have practised this art of Surya Namaskar. I also must have done it in the previous lives. Hence worshipping the Sun God is the part of my body, mind soul. It is the part of my personality. Whatever is done is done for Him. It is done in His honour. Nothing is mine. Everything belongs to him. The possessive sense of ‘me-my-myself’ is to be put on regressive mode.

The starting shloka: (The prayer.) Dhynam

Dheyah sada savitru mandala madhyawarti

Narayanah sarasijasana sannivistaha

Keyurawan makara kundalawan kiriti

Hari hiranya-maya-vapur-dhruta shankha chakrah.
􀃚 येयः सदास􀇒वतृ मंडल म􀃚 यवत􀈸

नारायणः सरिसजासनस􀇔􀃛न􀇒वं टः

केयूरवान मकर कुंडलवान 􀇑कर􀈣ट􀈣 ्

हार􀈣 􀇑हर􀃖 यमयवपुधृ􀁛त शंखचबः


Oh! Surya Narayana YOU are the crown glory, carrying shankha chakra in your hands.

YOU are the creator of joy and destroyer of sorrows.

YOU cover the entire universe with the golden twilight.

YOU are the Master, the Provider of the entire universe.

Oh! Sun God make all my efforts as bright and brilliant as the sun in the solar system.

Oh! Sun God you are the source, the centre figure in the cosmos. You are seated on the seat of lotus, wearing a crown on the head, ornaments round the wrist, and crocodile shape-earrings in the ears. You are the creator, the master of all mirages. Your complexion is as that of pure gold. You have a shankha-chakra in your hands. Oh Sun God, let all my efforts be as bright and brilliant as the Sun in the sky.

Significance: The contents of all the pages ahead describe the importance of this prayer.

Aum Mitraya Namah: The sun is your friend. HE is called Jaganmitra. HE is lovable like a true friend. You miss HIM in his absence. You ever long to experience the joy of his warmth and affection. If the sun is not in the sky you get disturbed – bodily and mentally. Your appetite is lost. Nervousness takes hold of your activities. You gather friends to restore your mood. You eat hot and drink hot and talk a lot to compensate the absence of the warmth and joy of the Sun God. If you go to a doctor to treat this nervousness and indigestion, he gives you medicines to keep your body warm and keep the worms off too. After raining when there is the sun again in the sky the whole nature, the personal and universal, is changed instantly. The entire cosmos is filled with pure joy. Now you can understand why the people from far off countries come to India to enjoy SunBath. The touch of twilight has dramatic effect on our body. It is a touch of warmth and care. It is a magic touch. It is a healing touch. It is the touch of mother that calms down the crying child instantly. The touch of love and affection of the Sun God cures our physical and mental worries. The Sun God is to us as Lord Krishna is to Arjuna. He is the navigator of our life. He is the true friend of the entire universe. Pray the sun God who is intimate and dear to us.

Pranam-asan: Retain your breath. (Kumbhak)

The vital point: The Anahat Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Golden Yellow as that of the rising sun.

Location: In the centre of the chest.

Ruling element: The wind, Vayu.

Relation to body: Touch. Skin.

Objectives: To increase the elasticity of chest.

Useful to treat and prevent: Nervous breakdown, fits, sensory deprivation etc. The chest cavity is enlarged to inhale more oxygen. The supply of more oxygen to all the cells activates the muscles. The experience of more energy and happiness is the result.

• Stand straight.
• Close the right toe and heel with the left.
• Hands in Namaskar position.
• Palms closed. Fingers closed. At right angle to the ground.
• Thumb-ends touching the middle part of the chest. Forearms in line with the ground.
• Put your chest out.
• Press your shoulders backward and pull them downwards.
• Keep your eyes on your nose-tip.

 Aum Ravaye Namah
Aum Ravaye Namah: The meaning of the word Ravi is Tej. Glow. Shine. Good behaved pious men; saints and sages have this glow on their faces. This is the Tej of the Sun God. We bow to such people to get their blessings. The light of the moon and stars, the heat of fire and Yadnya Kunda everything is the Tej of the Sun God. The heat of the body, the heat (Jatharagni) that digests food is the presence of the Sun God in our body. If you are not well at stomach just don’t eat after the sunset. The presence of the Sun God, during daytime, will digest the food. The seven power points (Sapta Chakra) in our body represent the Sun God. These seven points control and govern our physical and mental activities. They are the source of heat and energy to all our activities. If there is no heat in our body we go cold – we are no more. Worship this Tej of the Sun God.

Urddhva-hasta-asan. (Breath in.)

The vital point: The Vishudha Chakra.

lour of the Chakra: Colour of smoke.

Location: At the base of the neck.

Ruling element: The space.

Relation to body: Sound and speech. Ears and speech organs.

Objectives: To give upward stretch to all muscles in the body, from ankles to the index fingers.

Useful to treat and prevent: Swelling (Internal and external), knot in the muscle, wound with pus, pus discharge from eyes, pimples and freckles on skin, etc. Relieves the pain of the neck shoulders, arms, ankles, wrists. Gives stress and stretch to all the muscles from ankles to neck. Chemical and physical process of respiration becomes strong and healthy. Result is increase in the body height and health.

• Close your palms together. Put your hands straight up.

• Straighten your hands and legs.

• Fix your heels on the ground.

• Close your right toe and heel with the left.

• Give upward stretch to your hands and legs.

• Look at the palms.

• Bend your head backward slowly, gracefully.

• Form an arch of the body above waist.

Aum Suryaya Namah

Aum Suryaya Namah: The Sun God is one who always activates others and is full of activities too. He is the symbol of cosmic energy. The chariot of the Sun God is of seven horses. The horses represent the seven days of the week. They also stand for the seven colours of the rainbow. The seven power points in our body have different colours of their own. His work is colourful. It is endless and unlimited combination & permutation of colours. Nobody can pinpoint the exact time when the activities of the Sun God started. The span of time of His activities cannot be counted either. The end of His activities is beyond our imagination. HIS activities are varied. The food supplied to all the plants is the same but the rose is not the same as other flowers. All the leaves of different trees are not the same. The varieties of the trees and the leaves are uncountable. In this world there is no man alike in looks or in deeds. HE is omnipresent in all and every act. When the sun rises in the sky all the creatures & worms, birds & animals start their work. Pray the Sun God to give inspiration and energy to do good deeds.

Hasta-pad-asan: Breath out.

The vital point: The Swadhisthan Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Sindur / Saffron

Location: At the tip of the spine.

Ruling element: Jal, the water.

Relation to body: Taste. Tongue. Sleep.

Objectives: To stretch the muscles of the waist, back and shoulders and give upward stretch to the Swadhisthan Chakra.

Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility (weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes cough. Increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Sound sleep is the result.

• Fix your palms flat on the ground.

• Adjust the big toes and the palms in line.

• Keep shoulder distance between the palms.

• Keep your legs straight and knees straightened.

• Touch your chin to the chest.

• Give upward stretch to the Swadhisthan Chakra.

• If possible, try to touch your forehead to the knees.
Aum Bhanave Namah:

 The word ‘Bhanu’ means ‘light’, the day-light. Darkness indicates ignorance and light intelligence. The sun removes darkness and makes us wise. The tug of war, in your mind, always puts you into puzzles. It is the Adnya Chakara that guides you to take the right decision. In this way the sun God is the source of enlightenment to all of us. HE is the model example for us all. Be HIS follower. Perform your deeds in the light of the Sun. Be helpful to others as the sun takes care of us all. Expect no returns for your services to others, for the sun demands nothing from you. The other examples in this ‘light’ are the rivers and the trees. In fact the entire nature is the living model that communicates the spirit of the Sun God. Bow to the Dnyan Surya, the wisdom of the Sun God, to make us clever and intelligent.

Ardha-bhujang-asan: Breathe in.

The vital point: The Adnya Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Lotus white.

Location: Between the two eyebrows.

Element: Aakash. (Manas)

Relation to body: Mind

Objectives: To give downward stretch to the left leg.

eful to treat and prevent: Respiratory diseases, hypertension etc. Thoughts become clear, brain bright concentration sharp. Result: Intellectual work with confidence. Muscle pains in thighs, neck, back, knees, calves, ankles are relieved.

• Keep the right foot and the palms firm on the ground.

• Put the maximum body weight of the legs.

• Stretch the left leg backward.

• Touch the left knee and toe to the ground.

• Fold the right knee. (The calf, the back part of the thigh and the last rib of the right chest touching each other.)

• Keep both the hands straight. Lift up the shoulders.

• Put your chest out. Lift the shoulders up.

• Push your head backwards.

• Look towards the sky.

Aum Khagaya Namah

Aum Khagaya Namah: Khaga means space, Akash, and gama means go - one who travels through the sky. It indicates the presence of the sun, the sunrays and the sun-warmth everywhere in the space. You can’t find a pinch of place in the sea without seawater, so is the sun in the universe. There is no place, neither in our body nor outside in the entire universe, without the sunrays. You yourself can experience this fact. Close your eyes. Ask someone to put on and off the electric tube light. Though your eyes are closed, you get the feel of the tube light. You can measure and count time in days, weeks, months, years because of the sunrise and the sunset. The sun reminds us of the passing days and years. Life is the sum total of days, weeks, months and years. With His own example HE prompts us not to waste time. Wasting time in doing nothing is going fast near to the death point. It is a slow suicide. So pray to the Sun God to give us energy and wisdom to use the life span in the self-help and in the service to others.

Makar-asan: Breath out.

The vital point: The Vishudha Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Colour of smoke.

Location: At the base of the neck.

Ruling element: Aakash, The space.

Relation to body: Sound and speech. Ears and speech organs.

Objectives: To give downward stretch toward the feet.

Useful to treat and prevent: Swelling (Internal and external), knot in the muscle, wound with pus, pus discharge from eyes,

pimples and freckles on skin, etc. Relieves the pain of the neck shoulders, arms, ankles, wrists. Gives stress and stretch to all the muscles from ankles to neck. Chemical and physical process of respiration becomes strong and healthy. Result is increase in the body height and health

• Keep both the hands in the same position.

• Take the weight of the body on the hands and the shoulders.

• Lift the shoulders up.

• Place the right leg near to the left one.

• Close the feet. Give them a backward stretch.

• Straighten your legs and knees, arms and elbows

• Keep your body - head to heels - in straight line in slanting position

• Fix your eyes on the ground at the right angle to the body.

Aum Pushne Namah

Aum Pushne Namah: The word Pushnaihi means one that provides nutrition. The sun is the source of all types of food and medicines. Food is the only source of energy, other than that of Cosmic Energy, that builds our body. It gives wisdom – intellect to perceive the meaning of things & thoughts and power to act accordingly. So you should be grateful to the sun god for providing food to you. You should give respect and regard to the food you eat. Engaging yourself in other activities while eating food is a sort of insult to the food and the Sun God. Hence, watching TV, reading or playing games while eating should be avoided. The sun, directly or indirectly, offers light, heat and energy round the clock. The Sun God is all very important for us to sustain life. You may have read news in the newspaper. The news is to the effect that there is a man who eats nothing. He is without food for years together. He drinks only water and eats no food. He does Yogasana, in the open field, in the morning and in the evening at a particular time. The SuryaTej provides him energy to perform the routine work of the day. Do you know that a baby tortoise gets its nourishment through the affectionate look of the mother tortoise? Here, offer your respect to the sun God for providing you with food, light, heat, and energy.

Ashtang-namaskar-asan: Retain breath. (Kumbhak)

The vital point: The Manipur Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Blue

Location: At the navel.

Ruling element: Agni, The fire.

Relation to body: Sight and feeling. The eyes and the brain.

Objectives: To lift up the centre part of the body to massage the entire muscles of the belly.
Useful to treat and prevent: Asthma, piles, arthritis, digestion problems etc. It builds you healthy. Bright eyes, glow on the face, dark & long hair, long stamina and strong body is the result. The involvement of brain and mind in your activities become keen and sharp.

• Don’t move the palms and the toes.

• Take the body weight on your hands.
• Rest the knees on the floor.

• Bend the arms at the elbow.

• Press the chin to the chest.

• Touch the ground with the eight points of your body.
(Forehead, chest, knees, palms, toes.)

• Push both the elbows inside, towards each other.

• Uplift and hold the hip part of your body.

Aum HiranyaGarbhaya Namah

Aum HiranyaGarbhaya Namah: The word Hiranya means gold, golden. Gold is dear to us. Everybody loves to possess it because it is pure in every respect. It is a pure currency. It is the absolute TRUTH / PranTatwa that enfolds the entire universe. The craving for gold is unlimited. The sun gives us pure gold. Agni, the fire burns out all the impurities from the gold ore. The twilight is golden in colour. It covers the entire universe in its fold. It turns the entire universe into gold – pure gold. The time of twilight is the best period for meditation / Tapa for study. The sunlight makes everything visible. It has given birth to the universe. So Hiranyagarbha means the womb of the entire universe. The sun element is everywhere in the cosmos. The centre part of the earth and other planets is hot as the sun. This is why all the stars and planets are in motion and at their right position because of the sun. All the stars and planets have (evolved) developed gradually from the sun. The Sun God is the creator of all the living and non-living things. The Sun God is omnipotent. The cycle of nature – the Sun, the water, the clouds, the winds, the rain and the farming –ever goes on only because of the Sun God. HE is all-powerful, possessing complete and unlimited power, energy and authority over everything and everybody. HE is the master of the entire universe. Focus your attention on HIS ability and capacity and pray HIM to give a tiny part of HIS ability as blessings.

Bhujang-asan: Breathe in.

The vital point: The Swadhisthan Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Sindur / saffron.

Location: At the tip of the spine.

Ruling element: Jal. The water.
                                                                        Relation to body: Taste. Tongue. Sleep.

Objectives: To inhale as much Cosmic Energy as possible.

Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility (weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes cough and increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Health and Sound sleep is the result.

• Don’t disturb the position of the palms.

• Keep the arms straight. Straighten the elbows.

• Throw the head and the shoulders back.

• Puff up long and deep and enlarge your chest.

• Look towards the sky.

• Pull the waist towards the centre between the palms.

• Don’t disturb the position of the feet.• Touch the knees to the ground.

• Form arch like position.

Aum Marichaye Namah

Aum Marichaye Namah: Marich means mirage. A person in the desert gets to see a big pond of water at a long distance. It is the heat and the rays of the sun that form the image of water. It is not actual water. In fact the person can’t reach that point of water. If he runs after the mirage to quench his thirst he will receive death but no water. The Sun God is the creator of all types of mirages. HE is the creator of illusions, good and bad. HE is the originator of all good and bad impressions of life. HE is the commander of all such things. Our eyesight, to look at life, is very short and small. It can focus on a very small portion of time, space and event. Hence, we form wrong impressions of life. We have wrong ideas of life. We have wrong desires to fulfill in our life. We work hard to get what we actually don’t want. We don’t know what life really is. In this way we walk on the wrong path of life and our precious time is wasted in vain. We worship the Sun God to save us from the mirage of life. The other meaning of the word Marich means one who makes us aware of the sin. The word Marich also means the power that cures diseases. Here, pray the Sun God to give the wisdom to know what is good and what is bad for life.

Parvat-asan: Breathe out.

The vital point: The Vishudha Chakra. The colour of the Chakra: Colour of smoke. Location: At the base of the neck.

Ruling element: Aakash. The Space.

Relation to body: Sound and speech. Ears and speech organs.

Objectives: To give upward stretch to the waist.

Useful to treat and prevent: Swelling (Internal and external), knot in the muscle, wound with pus, pus discharge from eyes, pimples and freckles on skin, etc. Relieves the pain of the neck shoulders, arms, ankles, wrists. Gives stress and stretch to all the muscles from ankles to neck. Chemical and physical process of respiration becomes strong and healthy. Result is increase in the body height and health.

• Don’t move the position of the feet and the palms.

• Raise up the knees and the middle part of your body.
• Form a triangle with the palms waist and feet.
• Touch the heels to the ground.

• Put your arms and legs straight.

• Straighten your elbows and knees.

• Pull your head towards the knees, in line with the hands.

• Touch the chin to the chest.

• Fix your eyes on the nose-tip.

Aum Aadityaya Namah

Aum Aadityaya Namah: The word Aaditya means the son of Aaditi. AadiMaya is the source of birth and growth of the entire universe. Hence, Aaditi is supposed to be the mother (Aaee) of all Gods. The word Aaee in Marathi language is of two alphabets Aa+Eee. ‘Aa’ (Aadi) indicates the basic source of creation and ‘Eee’ indicates the Ishwar source / the governing power of all the working force. Aditi is the wife of Bruhaspati. Bruhaspati is the "knowledge incarnated”. He is the Guru, the care taker of his followers, who guards off all bad elements from his disciples and leads them to the absolute TRUTH. He is the priest of all the Gods. The sun is the son of Aaditi and Bruhaspati. HE is the image of Aditi and Bruhaspati. He is the worthy son of the celestial parents. The Sun God gives to the world whatever HE has received from HIS parents-Aaditi and Bruhaspati. HE is the true follower of the commandments, customs and traditions of HIS parents. We all are the creation of the Sun God. The entire big bunch of all the Divine Qualities of the Sun God is the heritage of all the human beings. Bow to the sun God in the memory of this divine heritage. Beg HIM to give power to use this heritage in your day-to-day life.

Ardha-bhujang-asan: Breathe in.

The vital point: The Adnya Chakra.
The colour of the Chakra: Lotus white.

Location: On the forehead between the eyebrows.

Ruling element: Aakash. (Manas)
Relation to body: Mind.

Objectives:To give downward stretch to the right leg.

Useful to treat and prevent: Respiratory diseases, hypertension etc. Thoughts become clear, brain bright concentration sharp. Result: Intellectual work with confidence. Muscle pains in thighs, knees, calves, ankles are relieved.

• Don’t change the position of your palms.

• Refer to Aum Bhanave Namah. (Ardha-bhujang-asan.)

• Keep the left foot and the palms firm on the ground.

• Stretch the right leg backwards.

• Touch the right knee and toe to the ground.

• Fold the left knee. (The calf, the back part of the thigh and the last rib of the left chest touching each other.)

• Keep both the hands straight.

• Put your chest out. Lift the shoulders up.

• Push your head backwards.
• Look towards the sky.

Aum Savitre Namah

Aum Savitre Namah: The word Savita means mother. We owe our birth and existence to the Sun God. The Sun God takes care of us all as a mother takes care of her kids. Mother never wants her children to be in any difficulty. She is always worried about the well being of her children. She helps assists and supports her kids with all her ability and power. The kids are the biological part of her being. You can relate all the qualities of your mother to the Sun God. So when you are doubtful about the right Adnya / order conveyed to you by the Sun God, consult your mother to confirm, verify or change the course of action. Try to visualize what your mother would like you to do in such a situation. Look at the problem with the eyes of your mother. It will show you the path of success. You will feel triumphant to do the efforts for the final success. In this respect the sun is our caretaker, our mother. The prayer to the Sun god reminds us of our mother. Worship the Sun God to help you fulfill the dreams of your mother.

Hasta-pad-asan: Breathe out.

The vital point: The Swadhisthan Chakra.

The colour of the Chakra: Sindur / saffron.

Location: At the tip of the spine.
Ruling element: Jal. The water.

Relation to body: Taste. Tongue. Sleep.

Objectives: To stretch the muscles of the waist, back and shoulders.

Useful to treat and prevent: Urine problems, urine stone, sleeplessness, general debility (weakness). Muscle pain in the back, shoulders, throat, chest, stomach is relieved. Removes cough. Increases appetite. Helps remove gases and toxic material. Sound sleep is the result.

• Don’t change the position of your palm.

• Fix your palms flat on the ground.

• Adjust the big toes and the palms in line.

• Keep shoulder distance between the palms.
• Raise up the hind part and keep your legs straight and knees straightened.

• Touch your chin to the chest.

• Touch your forehead to the knees.

• Give upward stretch to the Swadhisthan Chakra.

• Refer to Aum Suryaya Namah. (Hasta-pad-asan.)

Aum Arkaya Namah
Aum Arkaya Namah: The meaning of the word Arka means extract. The sun is the concentrated form of life. HE is the essence of life. HE is the pure extract of how one’s life should be. HIS is the guiding light that enlightens our path of life. HE is the wisdom of life for us. HE is the model example for us to learn the art of living. The nonstop activity for the welfare of all the living and non-living, without expecting anything in return, is the ‘real light’ of the Sun God. The Sun God is unaware of HIS enormous and unlimited activities. HE is passive to any result; good or bad, of HIS own actions. HE looks at HIS own actions as a third person. HE doesn’t involve HIMSELF in his action. In fact HE doesn’t think that HE has performed such a huge task. Honey is the essence of flowers. But the flowers are not present in it. In the same way the sun remains absent from HIS actions. In fact the Sun God is the action, the actor and the outcome of the performance. It is very difficult to follow and practice the life of the Sun God. But this is the only way of life to be happy. So worship the Sun God to give you the inspiration to follow HIS precept.

Pranam-asan: Retain your breath. (Kumbhak)

The vital point: The Anahat Chakra. The colour of the Chakra: Golden Yellow as that of the rising sun.

Location: In the centre of the chest.

Ruling element: The wind, Vayu.

Relation to body: Touch. Skin.
Objectives: To increase the elasticity of chest.

Useful to treat and prevent: Nervous breakdown, fits, sensory deprivation etc. The chest cavity is enlarged to inhale more oxygen. The supply of more oxygen to all the cells activates the muscles. The experience of more energy and happiness is the result.

• Refer to Aum Mitraya Namah. Pranam-asan.

• Stand straight.

• Close the right toe and heel with the left.

• Put your chest out.

• Press your shoulders backward and pull them downward.

• Keep your eyes on your nose-tip.

• Hands in Namaskar position

• Palms closed. Fingers closed at right angle to the ground.

• Thumb touching the middle part of the chest.

• Forearms in line with the ground.

Aum Bhaskaraya Namah

Aum Bhaskaraya Namah: The word Bhaskar means Prakasah, Tej; one who is Prakashman or Tejaswi. The sun is not God-like but HE is THE GOD of the universe. HE has covered the entire universe with His light. There is the sun light inside and out side of our body. HE is the witness to all our deeds- mental and physical. HE observes all of your actions and gives you joy and sorrow accordingly. HE leads assists and inspires you to do noble works. When you accept HIS help and perform your work accordingly, you become happy inside and out. In order to get this divine happiness and self-satisfaction, bow to the Sun God and perform Surya-Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar is a prayer to the Sun God. You can call it ‘Action Prayer’. A prayer means ‘thanks giving’. “The thanks giving” is for what you have already received. You express gratitude to the Sun God for the previous day that was granted to you and expect HIS blessings for the coming day. Prayer is not begging for blessings. You are going to get what you deserve. You are bound to get success and joy equal to your efforts – in the present and the past. So ‘best of efforts’, in every action, should be your motto.
Start every of your day with Surya Namaskar. Pray the Sun God early in the morning before the sun rays enter your house. HE is the first visitor of the day to your house. And the guest is not an ordinary one. HE is the GOD that we can actually see. HE is the model example for you to follow. Receive the guest wholeheartedly. Shake off your sleep. Get ready to welcome HIM. Isn’t it absurd to welcome the guest after he has entered your house?

Namaskar Mudra:

Breathing normal.

The vital point: The Anahat Chakra.
The colour of the Chakra:Golden Yellow as that of the rising sun.
Location: At the level of the heart.
Ruling element: Vayu, the wind.

Relation to body: Touch. Skin.

Objectives: To increase the elasticity of chest

• Refer to Aum Mitraya Namah. Pranam-asan.

• Close your palms. (Agnya Chakara)

• Put the closed palms in the middle of the forehead.

• Keep the elbows in line with the shoulders.

• Raise up your head to look at the rising sun.

• Complete submission – body, speech, mind, heart – to the Sun God.

Concluding Shlok

Adityasya namaskaran ye kurvanti dine dine

Janmantar-sahashreshu daridrya nopajayate
Namah dharma-vidhanaya namaste kruta-shakshine

Namah pratyaksha devaya bhaskaraya namah nama-h.

आ􀇑दतः य नमः कारान ये कुव􀉍ती 􀇑दने 􀇑दने

ज􀃛 मांतरसहः ऽेषु दा􀇐रियं नोपजायते ।।

नमोधम􀁛􀇒वधानाय नमः ते कृतसा􀇔􀂢णे

नम: ू􀃗 य􀂢देवाय भाः कराय नमोनम: ।।

Meaning: One who performs Surya Namaskar regularly gets no poverty (Poverty of wealth, health and intellect.) lives after lives.

Oh! Lord Bhaskara. YOU are the Dharma incarnated. (YOU yourself are all the divine virtues.)

YOU are the soul witness to all my deeds, good and bad.

YOU are the only God in shape and form. I bow to you (with all my body, mind and soul).

Significance: The daily practice in Surya Namaskar gives you health. You become healthy mentally and intellectually. Healthy body performs more work. The working hours are increased. The work is done with ease and confidence. You become successful in your work. The success leads to success. The success, of course, gives you happiness and wealth too.

The Sun God is the Dharma incarnated. With His own example He tells us what Dharma is. HE is the only god that we get to see everyday, everywhere. HE is the only god in shape and form. HE is the witness to all your deeds. HE showers happiness according to your deeds. I pray the Sun God with all my heart.

अनेन सूय􀁛नमः कारा􀃉 येन कम􀁛णा भगवान्
ौीस􀇒वता सूय􀁛नारायण: 􀇒ूयतां न मम।।्

Meaning: In this way the practice of Surya Namaskar is over. With great reverence I dedicate the act of Surya Namaskar, performed in His honour, to Lord Surya Narayn (the Sun God). HE has given me the inspiration and the physical ability to carry out the action and got it done from me.

Significance: Nothing is mine. Everything belongs to HIM. The possessive sense of ‘me-my-mine’ is to be put on regressive mode.

Achaman: Open the palm straight. Keep away the thumb and the ladyfinger. Close the remaining three fingers and raise them a bit. A scoop is formed on the palm at the end of the fingers. Take a spoonful of water in the scoop. Release the water, from the wrist end of the palm, in your mouth. And say:

अकालमृ􀃗 यु हरणं सव􀁛 􀃥 यािध 􀇒वनाशनं

सूय􀁛 पादोदकं तीथ􀁛 जठरे धारया􀃠 यहं।।

Meaning: Oh Sun God! Let the sip of water keep away from me all the diseases and the untimely deaths.

Significance: It is a sort of promise to be confirmed by self-instruction. If you practice Surya Namaskar daily, it relieves you from minor illness, disorders, and other ailments. All these discomforts, if not taken care of, may turn into serious diseasesleading you to the death point.

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