Friday, August 20, 2010


Some sadhakas may ask ?

I am doing vigorous Tapas and meditation for the long time . With all that, my troubles and difficulties are multiplying. I have lost my job. I am starving now. What shall I do? Is this the Grace of the Lord? How can I continue my Sadhana when I have nothing to eat?

like lot of incidence may occur when one starts upasana .why this happens ?

When asked about the nature of Srividya, I was told that the mantra when properly received and done, will cause karma kshaya and papa kshaya(exhaustion of karmas and papas) at a dramatic rate, which is the reason for the above mentioned phenomenon.

Same thing happens when doing sadhana with other mantras too, but not as rapid as it happens with Srividya

It is said one has to be verily Sankara himself or in one's last birth to get sri vidya. Since we are not Shankara, it has to be the last birth or when we get it, it becomes our last birth. So the karma kshaya or papa kshaya has to be faster than normal.

But let me tell you, I have observed that when one gets srividya and does upasana diligently normally and naturally you are thrust into greatness whether one realises it or not.

Surrender the difficulties to Devi and say (I mean TELL HER) they are yours and see what happens

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